Top 5 Apps for Tracking Business Mileage and Expenses


Tracking business mileage and expenses is essential for accurate financial reporting, tax compliance, and reimbursement purposes. Fortunately, there are numerous mobile apps available that make it easy for business owners, freelancers, and employees to track their mileage, record expenses, and manage their finances on the go. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 apps for tracking business mileage and expenses, highlighting their features, benefits, and suitability for different business needs.

1. MileIQ

MileIQ is a popular mileage tracking app that automatically detects and logs your drives using GPS technology. Users can categorize drives as business or personal with a simple swipe, and the app generates detailed mileage reports for tax purposes. MileIQ offers features such as customizable mileage rates, trip categorization, and integration with accounting software for seamless expense tracking and reporting.

2. Expensify

Expensify is a comprehensive expense management app that allows users to track receipts, mileage, time, and other business expenses in one place. The app offers features such as receipt scanning, mileage tracking via GPS or manual entry, automatic expense categorization, and real-time expense reporting. Expensify also integrates with popular accounting software platforms like QuickBooks and Xero for streamlined financial management.

3. TripLog

TripLog is a mileage tracking app designed for businesses and independent contractors who need to track their mileage for tax deductions or reimbursement purposes. The app offers automatic mileage tracking using GPS, customizable mileage rates, and detailed trip logs with route maps and expense breakdowns. TripLog also provides features such as expense tracking, IRS-compliant mileage reports, and integration with accounting software for efficient expense management.

4. QuickBooks Self-Employed

QuickBooks Self-Employed is an all-in-one accounting and expense tracking app designed for freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners. In addition to tracking business mileage and expenses, the app offers features such as income tracking, invoicing, tax estimation, and financial reporting. QuickBooks Self-Employed syncs seamlessly with your bank accounts and credit cards, making it easy to categorize transactions and track your business finances in real-time.

5. Everlance

Everlance is a mileage and expense tracking app that offers automatic mileage tracking, expense logging, and IRS-compliant mileage reports. The app uses GPS technology to track your trips accurately and allows you to categorize trips as business or personal with a single tap. Everlance also offers features such as receipt scanning, expense categorization, and integration with accounting software for easy expense management and tax reporting.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are these apps suitable for businesses of all sizes?
Yes, the apps mentioned in this article are suitable for businesses of all sizes, from freelancers and independent contractors to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These apps offer scalable features and pricing plans to accommodate the needs and budgets of businesses at different stages of growth.

Do these apps offer IRS-compliant mileage tracking and reporting?
Yes, most of the apps mentioned in this article offer IRS-compliant mileage tracking and reporting features, including detailed mileage logs, customizable mileage rates, and mileage reports that meet IRS requirements for tax deductions. Users can export mileage reports directly from the app or integrate them with accounting software for tax reporting purposes.

Can these apps integrate with accounting software?
Yes, many of the apps mentioned in this article offer integration with popular accounting software platforms such as QuickBooks, Xero, and FreshBooks. Integration with accounting software allows users to sync their mileage and expense data seamlessly, automate expense tracking and reporting, and streamline their financial management processes.

Are these apps available for both iOS and Android devices?
Yes, all of the apps mentioned in this article are available for both iOS and Android devices, making them accessible to users across different mobile platforms. Users can download these apps from the App Store or Google Play Store and use them on their smartphones or tablets to track their mileage and expenses conveniently while on the go.

Do these apps offer customer support and assistance?
Yes, the developers of these apps typically offer customer support and assistance to help users troubleshoot issues, answer questions, and provide guidance on using the app’s features effectively. Users can reach out to customer support via email, phone, or live chat for personalized assistance and support as needed.


Tracking business mileage and expenses is crucial for financial management, tax compliance, and reimbursement purposes. With the help of mobile apps designed specifically for mileage tracking and expense management, businesses can streamline their financial processes, save time and effort, and ensure accuracy and compliance in their financial reporting. Whether you’re a freelancer, small business owner, or corporate employee, investing in a reliable mileage tracking and expense management app can help you stay organized, maximize tax deductions, and optimize your business finances for success.